AsInt, Inc.

Digital Wall Chart

An interactive and visual representation of critical data and KPIs to help you monitor, discover, and follow process of an outage or shutdown.

Product Features

Know more about our product details.

Real-Time Data Visualization
Visualize information from sensors, devices, and systems all around a facility to keep an eye on various events happening in real-time, make quick decisions, and keep things running smoothly. This data can include parameters like temperature, pressure, flow rates, equipment status, and production metrics.
Dynamic Wall Chart
Wallchart KPis 2
Interactive Dashboards
With interactive elements such as touchscreens or interactive dashboards, you can access data specific to a particular entity, drill down for more information, and make informed decisions.
Performance Monitoring
Closely monitor how essential equipment, processes, and systems perform within a facility with real-time data and comprehensive visualization. Track your progress toward production targets, and check if critical equipment is operating as expected.
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Accessible Via Many Platforms, Including Mobile
Available to view the information on mobile, desktop, tablets, or touch screens. Can be accessessed from anywhere an internet connection is available.

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