A Higher Form of Asset Intelligence.


AsInt, Inc.

Barrier Management

Creating an ideal layered safety system to provide a high level of protection against potential hazards by identifying, analysing, implementing, and monitoring various layers of protection.

Product Features

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Identifying Critical Barriers
Quickly identify critical barriers that are vital for asset safety and are usually referred to as safety-critical elements (SCEs). These include components like safety valves, alarms, emergency shutdown systems, and more.
Establishing Barrier Hierarchy
Establish a hierarchy of barriers, from the first line of defense to the last line of defense, to protect personnel and the environment, reducing the likelihood of accidents and incidents. By systematically categorizing barriers, you can effectively reduce the risks associated with asset integrity failures.
Documentation and Communication
Effective barrier management requires clear documentation of the barriers, their design, implementation, maintenance activities, and performance. This information should be communicated to relevant stakeholders to ensure a shared understanding of the barriers and their role in hazard management.
Data-Driven Decision Making
Assess the performance of barriers, prioritize maintenance and improvements, and make informed decisions about risk reduction strategies with reliable data. By analyzing data, you can allocate resources more efficiently, and reduce maintenance costs.

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